
Providing exciting travel & food information to fellow travel & food lovers

TravelFoodExpert answers many common questions that travellers have when preparing for their next adventure and excites you with local food recommendations!


Our favourite articles

When wondering where to stay in Bangkok, you have quite some options from street food havens to wild nightlife neighborhoods.

Aside from asking where to stay in Medellin, we also come up with incredible food recommendations!

Paris is divided into several different districts named arrondissements. Picking the right one depends on several factors.

Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world. You can see this diversity in its landscapes, people and also cuisine.

We also create food databases

chip station medellin food
cafe zorba medellin food
la matriarca medellin food
delirio exquisito medellin food

During our travels, we visit a lot of restaurants. We try local food, take pictures, write down the prices, and document all the useful information for you so that you can try those amazing restaurants with local food as well. It’s much easier to show you one of our databases than explain what it is with words. So check it out now!

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About Us

We are a passionate team of food and travel lovers and over the last seven years, visited several continents. We love to shoot amazing pictures, try new exciting local food, and document and share this with other food and travel lovers. 


TravelFoodExpert is part of the JB Digital Group, which also has websites like Where to stay with Family and Where to stay on a Budget, all travel websites with a specific target group. 

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