

Providing exciting travel & food information to fellow travel & food lovers

TravelFoodExpert answers many common questions that travellers have when preparing for their next journey.


Below, you find all the destinations we’ve covered so far. Each of these destinations contains food and travel articles that are helpful for your next trip. To make things easy, we’ve categorized the destinations by four different “continents”. If you’re not looking for any destination in particular, simply keep scrolling as all the actual destinations are visible on this page as well. 

Our favourite articles

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Where To Stay The First Time In Bangkok

Bangkok is among the most popular destinations in the world and it gets quite complicated when picking the right area to stay in.

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Food you should definitely try in medellin

For many first-time visitors, the Colombian gastronomy is a cuisine they are not familiar with.

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First Time In Paris - The 10 Best Arrondissement

Paris is divided into several different districts named arrondissements. Picking the right one depends on several factors.

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What To Eat in Colombia - An Amazing Cuisine

Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world. You can see this diversity in its landscapes, people and also cuisine.

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We are a passionate team of food and travel lovers and over the last five years, visited several continents. We love to shoot amazing pictures, try new exciting local food and document and share this with other food and travel lovers. 

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